Page 4 - Treating Oilfield Emulsions
P. 4

Segment I 
                                                            Chapter 1

                                                                             The Treating Problem
        Petroleum Extension-The University of Texas at Austin
                    A t some time in the life of almost every oilwell,   the reservoir (B, C), may produce clean oil at the
                   fi more water is produced with the crude oil    beginning.  Figure 2 shows the same reservoir
                   than is acceptable to  the pipeline company or   later in the life of the field. Note the relationship
                   other carriers. Some wells may produce water    atthis laterdatebetween theposition of each well
                   from the beginning, but, more often, water en­  and what each is producing.
                   croachment comes later in the life of the field.   Figure 3 illustrates another possible cause of
                   Figure 1 shows, in simplified form, one source of   water in oilwells. Casing failure coupled with a
                   water produced with oil. Both oil and water are   poor cementing job at a point above the produc­
                   contained in the pores of the rock that makes up   ing zone allows water to enter the well and con­
                   the reservoir. In figure 1,a large quantity of water   taminate production. To correct the problem, the
                   liesunderthe oil. Early inthe life ofthe field, some   casing can be patched and a squeeze cementing
                   of the wells that are drilled near the point of oil­  job can  be performed, ora packer can be placed in
                   water contact (A) produce excessive amounts of   the tubing-casing annulus to form a temporary
                   water. Other wells, which are drilled higher on   seal above the oil zone and exclude the water.


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                   Figure 1. Sketch showing relative position of oil and water in early life of reservoir. Well A requires plugging
                   back. Wells Band C produce clean oil.

                   Figure 2. Same reservoir as in figure 1, portraying later conditions in life of field. Well A is completely watered
                   out. Well B produces water and cut oil. Well C continues to produce clean oil.

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